"Chalees Charagh Ishq Ke - چالیس چراغ عشق کے: The Forty Rules Of Love" by Elif Shafak is a captivating novel that intertwines two parallel narratives—one set in the 13th...
"Dilruba Aglay Janam Mohay Bitya Na Keejio" by Quratulain Haider is a compelling narrative that weaves a complex tapestry of human emotions, cultural intricacies, and societal dynamics. Set against the...
"Introduction to Multimodal Analysis " offers a comprehensive exploration into the intricate world of multimodal communication. Now in its second edition, this book delves deeper into the analysis of various...
Pakistan Say Diyar E Haram Tak by Naseem Hijazi is a historical novel that transports readers through the rich cultural and spiritual journey from Pakistan to the holy lands of...
In "Social Anthropology: An Introduction" by Joy Hendry, readers are provided with a comprehensive overview of the field of social anthropology. Hendry’s work delves into the study of human societies...